Mega Drive(日版名:メガドライブ,美版名:Sega Genesis,简称MD,香港俗称世嘉五代)是世嘉在1988年推出的16-bit家用游戏机,1989年在美国推出,1990年在欧洲推出。
Mega Drive在全球共售出3075万台。此外Tectoy在巴西售出大约300万台授权的兼容机。
G-LOC – Air Battle (World) (1992-11-23) (Sega Channel)
G-LOC – Air Battle (World) (Beta)
G-LOC – Air Battle (World)
Gadget Twins (USA)
Gaiares (Japan, USA)
Gain Ground (Europe)
Gain Ground (Japan) (En)
Gain Ground (USA) (Beta) (1990-07-27)
Gain Ground (USA)
Galaxy Force II (Japan) (En) (Virtual Console)
Galaxy Force II (Japan) (En)
Galaxy Force II (USA, Europe) (PC Rerelease)
Galaxy Force II (World) (Rev B)
Gambler Jiko Chuushinha – Katayama Masayuki no Mahjong Doujou (Japan)
Game Genie (USA, Europe) (Program)
Game Genie (USA, Europe) (Rev A) (Program)
Game no Kanzume Otokuyou (Japan) (Sega Channel)
Game Toshokan (Japan) (Rev A) (Program)
Garfield – Caught in the Act (USA, Europe) (Beta) (1995-09-11)
Garfield – Caught in the Act (USA, Europe)
Gargoyles (USA)
Garou Densetsu – Shukumei no Tatakai (Japan)
Garou Densetsu 2 – Aratanaru Tatakai (Japan)
Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank – War in the Gulf (USA)
Gauntlet (Japan) (En,Ja) (Beta)
Gauntlet (Japan) (En,Ja)
Gauntlet IV (USA, Europe) (Beta)
Gauntlet IV (USA, Europe) (En,Ja)
Gemfire (USA)
GEMS (USA) (v2.8) (Beta) (1994-06-04) (Program)
General Chaos (USA, Europe)
General Chaos Daikonsen (Japan)
Generations Lost (USA, Europe)
Genghis Khan II – Clan of the Gray Wolf (USA)
Gensou Senki Kokou no Ryuu – Crying Dragon (Japan) (Proto)
George Foreman's KO Boxing (Europe)
George Foreman's KO Boxing (USA)
Ghostbusters (Japan)
Ghostbusters (USA, Europe) (Beta) (1990-05-01)
Ghostbusters (USA, Europe)
Global Gladiators (Europe)
Gluf (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Go Net (Japan)
Gods (Europe)
Gods (Japan)
Gods (USA) (Beta)
Gods (USA)
Golden Axe (World) (Beta) (1989-10-14)
Golden Axe (World) (Beta) (1989-11-22)
Golden Axe (World) (Rev A)
Golden Axe (World) (Rev B) (Sega Smash Pack)
Golden Axe (World)
Golden Axe II (World) (Beta)
Golden Axe II (World)
Golden Axe III (Europe) (Virtual Console)
Golden Axe III (Japan) (En)
Goofy's Hysterical History Tour (USA)
Gouketsuji Ichizoku (Japan)
Granada (Japan, USA) (Rev A) (Beta)
Granada (Japan, USA) (Rev A)
Granada (Japan, USA)
GrandSlam – The Tennis Tournament '92 (Japan)
GrandSlam – The Tennis Tournament (Europe)
Great Circus Mystery – Mickey to Minnie Magical Adventure 2 (Japan)
Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie, The (USA)
Great Waldo Search, The (USA)
Greatest Heavyweights (Europe)
Greatest Heavyweights (Japan)
Greatest Heavyweights (USA)
Greendog – The Beached Surfer Dude! (USA, Europe)
Grind Stormer (USA)
Growl (USA) (Beta) (1991-08-26)
Growl (USA)
Gunfight 3 in 1 (**) (En) (Unl)
Gunship (Europe)
Gunstar Heroes (Europe)
Gunstar Heroes (Japan) (Sample) (April, 1993)
Gunstar Heroes (Japan)
Gunstar Heroes (USA)
Gynoug (Europe)
Gynoug (Japan)